1950 年、横浜市南区八幡町。住宅街と古い商店が並ぶ一角に「磯村屋」はある。
三年後の 1953 年に愛子(あいこ)さんと結婚し二人で焼きそばを出し始める。
食材の下準備 は清治さんが、調理は愛子さんが担当した。
地元で愛され続けた焼きそばは、おばあちゃんが 作る家庭的な味。
週末の昼は必ず立ち寄ると いう子連れの家族。
It’s 1950 in Yahata, Minami-ku in Yokohama city. In a street corner with suburbs and old stores, there is a store named “Isomuraya”. The baked potato store was opened by Seiji Isomura in this city that was ruined by air raids. Three years later in 1953, he married Aiko and the two of them started serving stir-fried noodles. Seiji prepared the ingredients, while Aiko did the cooking.
A camera observes a small restaurant run by an elderly couple.
A record of a city corner from its most prosperous time to its closing.
A memory of someone no longer with us and a building forever gone.